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Tag: devotion

A Prayer For Mercy
Devotionals, Mercy Devotionals

A Prayer For Mercy 

A Prayer For Mercy; This should be our fervent Prayer always: “Lord, don’t hold back your tender mercies from me. Let your unfailing love and faithfulness always protect me.” – ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭40‬:‭11‬ ‭NLT‬‬ Our Lord and Personal Saviour, Jesus Christ has paved the way for...
Power over Principalities and Powers
Devotionals, Series, Unleashing Psalm 91

Power over Principalities and Powers 

In today’s Psalm 91 series, we are looking at Power over Principalities and Powers. As devoted followers of Christ, we possess an extraordinary power over principalities and powers. The scriptures affirm that we have the ability to tread upon the lion and adder, and triumphantly...
God’s Power At All Times
Devotionals, Series, Unleashing Psalm 91

God’s Power At All Times 

Today’s ”Psalm 91 series” devotional is all about God’s Power At All Times. The promises of God are unchanging and true, providing us with great reassurance that He is by our side through every step of our journey, regardless of the time period. Read other...