The Promise Still Stands – Part 1: Abraham’s Call – Walking in Faith and Obedience
When you hear or read about ”The Promise Still Stands”, what comes to your mind? God’s promises are eternal, unchanging, and powerful. In Genesis 12:2-3, we read one of the most profound promises in Scripture: Listen To Our Sermon On Spotify “I will make you...
3 min read
The New and Living Way: Part 3: Jesus – The True and Living Way to God
Our final devotional on this series is, The New and Living Way: Part 3: Jesus – The True and Living Way to God. In the first two parts of this series, we traced the journey from the prophetic promises of redemption to their fulfilment in...
3 min read
The New and Living Way: Part 2 – Prophecy Realized
Today’s devotional is The New and Living Way: Part 2 – Prophecy Realized. In Part 1 of “The New and Living Way,” we explored the foundational prophecies of redemption found in the Old Testament. Have you read part 1? We discussed how the Fall of...
3 min read
Keys to Fruitfulness in Christ: Cultivating Spiritual Virtues
Keys to Fruitfulness in Christ: Cultivating Spiritual Virtues. In the first part of this series, we explored the foundational truths that Christ has provided everything we need for life and godliness, and how true knowledge of Christ unlocks His blessings. In this devotional’s second part,...
4 min read
Keys to Fruitfulness in Christ: Building a Strong Foundation
Today’s devotional is on Keys to Fruitfulness in Christ: Building a Strong Foundation, and our bible reference is 2 Peter 1:1-11 (NASB). In a world filled with distractions, how can we ensure our walk with Christ remains unwavering and fruitful? The Apostle Peter, in his...
4 min read
The Power Of Faith In God
Today’s Devotional by WBL Ministry is titled The Power Of Faith In God. Science and Philosophy have been and are still an integral part of decision-making and shaping of thoughts in contemporary times. Knowledge of Science and its application is very important for one to...
3 min read
The Power of Faith in God’s Miracles
Today’s WBL Ministry Devotional is titled ”The Power of Faith in God’s Miracles. Sin and Fear are the greatest tools that dismantle our Faith, hence making us lose our inheritance. But if you will humble yourself and seek the face of God, He will hear...
3 min read
Great Faith And Miracles
Today’s WBL Devotional series is titled Great Faith And Miracles. Martha and Mary had lost their brother Lazarus and heard the news of Jesus’ arrival to mourn with her. Martha met Jesus and said, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have...
3 min read
Exploring Your Talents
Today’s WBLMinistry devotional is titled ”Exploring Your Talents”; Have you identified the Gift(s) you possess yet? God, in his divine mercies, has made available to every individual the potential to become whatever they desire. The condition is to delight yourself in the Lord. (Psalm 37:4)...
2 min read
Power over Principalities and Powers
In today’s Psalm 91 series, we are looking at Power over Principalities and Powers. As devoted followers of Christ, we possess an extraordinary power over principalities and powers. The scriptures affirm that we have the ability to tread upon the lion and adder, and triumphantly...
2 min read