Unveiling the Majesty of God: His Attributes and Character
The majesty of God is a theme that runs through the entire Bible. From the first chapter of Genesis to the last chapter of Revelation, we see the splendour and glory of God on display. He is not just great, but He is majestic, clothed...
3 min read
Just A Bite
As humans, we often underestimate the power of our little actions and decisions and subconsciously we say it is ”just a bite”. We make excuses like “It’s just for a few minutes” or “It won’t hurt to try”. However, these seemingly insignificant choices can have...
4 min read
Water and Bread of Life: Finding Satisfaction in Jesus
In Isaiah 55 and John 4, we see a beautiful picture of the invitation to find true satisfaction in Jesus. The Lord says, “All you who are thirsty, come and drink. Those of you who do not have money, come, buy and eat! Come buy...
4 min read
Arise and Shine: (A Call to Arise from Spiritual Discouragement)
Today’s devotional is titled Arise and Shine. Watching a mother teach her young child to walk, I witnessed how the child tried to walk, fell, and tried again until he became discouraged and refused to try again. This experience made me realize that life is...
2 min read
The Amazing Grace of God -(Testimony of His Unfailing Kindness)
Today, we are looking at the amazing grace of God. As the Bible says, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death” (Revelation 12:11 NKJV). This...
5 min read