Great Faith And Miracles
Today’s WBL Devotional series is titled Great Faith And Miracles. Martha and Mary had lost their brother Lazarus and heard the news of Jesus’ arrival to mourn with her. Martha met Jesus and said, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have...
3 min read
Power over Principalities and Powers
In today’s Psalm 91 series, we are looking at Power over Principalities and Powers. As devoted followers of Christ, we possess an extraordinary power over principalities and powers. The scriptures affirm that we have the ability to tread upon the lion and adder, and triumphantly...
2 min read
Divine Endurance: Unleashing the Power of God’s Promised Longevity
Divine Endurance: Unleashing the Power of God’s Promised Longevity; The book of Psalms contains a collection of poems and songs that provide us with comfort, encouragement, and solace in our daily lives. One particular passage that stands out is Psalm 91, which depicts divine protection...
2 min read
Power of Promotion in His Presence
Today’s Psalm 91 devotional is on the Power of Promotion in His Presence; The Bible is replete with promises of blessings and promotion for those who wholeheartedly love and serve the Lord. In Psalm 91:14-15, we are assured, “Because he hath set his love upon...
3 min read
Power in God’s Divine Provision
In times of need, we can always rely on God’s divine provision. He has promised to assign His angels to watch over us and protect us in all our ways. As stated in Psalms 91:11-12, these angels will lift us up and prevent us from...
2 min read
Power over Pernicious Plagues
Power over Pernicious Plagues: In our world today, as devastating diseases continue to afflict people globally, it is important to recognize that, as children of God, we possess the inherent power to overcome them. From various outbreaks to severe health crises, the impact of these...
3 min read
God’s Power At All Times
Today’s ”Psalm 91 series” devotional is all about God’s Power At All Times. The promises of God are unchanging and true, providing us with great reassurance that He is by our side through every step of our journey, regardless of the time period. Read other...
2 min read
Declaring God’s Greatness
Declaring God’s Greatness: The book of Psalms is a powerful testament to faith in God’s ability to protect and provide. Psalm 91:2 stands out as a notable declaration, where the Psalmist proclaims, “I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress:...
2 min read
Discovering God’s Power To Heal & Protect
Discovering God’s Power To Heal & Protect; In today’s world, we are constantly bombarded with news of outbreaks of various infectious diseases. From Epidemics to pandemics, we hear of the devastation that these illnesses can bring. Read other Psalm 91 devotionals here It can be...
2 min read
The Power In God’s Protection
God’s Protection; As human beings, we often find ourselves in situations where we need protection. It could be from physical harm or spiritual attacks. Fortunately, we serve a God who is capable of protecting us from all forms of danger. Read other Psalm 91 devotionals...
2 min read