Walking in God’s Fullness: Embracing a Life Without Sin
Walking in God’s Fullness: Embracing a Life Without Sin. How Can You Walk in God’s Fullness and Embrace a Life Without Sin? Imagine walking into a tailor shop and being handed a custom-made wardrobe, perfectly designed to reflect your true identity. This is what God...
5 min read
Rooted in Love and Filled with God’s Fullness
As believers, our walk with Christ is meant to be deeply rooted in love—His love surpasses all understanding, and our response to it in faith. When we are firmly planted in His love, we are positioned to receive the fullness of God in our lives....
5 min read
The Promise Still Stands – Part 1: Abraham’s Call – Walking in Faith and Obedience
When you hear or read about ”The Promise Still Stands”, what comes to your mind? God’s promises are eternal, unchanging, and powerful. In Genesis 12:2-3, we read one of the most profound promises in Scripture: Listen To Our Sermon On Spotify “I will make you...
3 min read
Daily Bread: What True Love Is
What True Love Is. In Luke 10:25-37, Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan. A man traveling to Jericho is attacked by robbers, left wounded and helpless on the roadside. Daily Bread Devotional: God, My Deliverer A priest and a Levite pass by without...
1 min read
Press On. Move On
Today’s devotional is titled, Press On. Move On: Praise be to God for His amazing love towards us. Our constant longing and pursuit should be growth in this spiritual journey. I encourage you to press on and move forward in your faith. The Bible says...
4 min read
God Our Helper – 2: God’s Blessed Assurance
God Our Helper: Our last devotional touched on the topic of God being our helper, through his presence in times of trouble. In addition to the great shows of God’s presence and help previously addressed, let’s be encouraged by God’s blessed assurance. I Will Be...
4 min read
Cutting Grace: God’s Word Prunes for Growth
Cutting Grace: “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.” – John 15:1-2 NKJV Let’s dive...
3 min read
Proof of Your Love for God: Love One Another
The Bible clearly states that no one has seen God at any time. Yet, through scripture and our experience as believers, we understand that God is love. Jesus Christ, the undeniable demonstration of God’s love for us (see John 3:16), issued a clear command that...
5 min read
The Love of God: The 7 “I Will” Promises for Those Who Love Him
The story of “The Love of God” is a tale as old as time itself, beginning with the creation of the world by our caring Father. Throughout history, despite humanity’s mistakes, God has always shown us immense love. The 7 “I Will” Promises for Those...
5 min read
WBL Devotional: Embracing True Freedom
Embracing True Freedom: In Psalms 130:3-6, we are confronted with the sobering truth that if the Lord were to keep a record of our iniquities, none of us could stand. It’s a humbling realization that highlights our desperate need for forgiveness. Yet, in His boundless...
2 min read