Our final devotional on this series is, The New and Living Way: Part 3: Jesus – The True and Living Way to God. In the first two parts of this series, we traced the journey from the prophetic promises of redemption to their fulfilment in Christ. 

Part 1

Part 2

Now, we turn to the final and most important truth: Jesus is not just a way; He is the way.

Jesus: The Way, the Truth, and the Life

In John 14:6, Jesus makes an exclusive and profound statement:

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

This declaration points to the heart of the new covenant. Through His sacrifice, Jesus didn’t just provide a path to God—He became the only way. 

He is the mediator of the new covenant (Hebrews 9:15), and through Him, we have direct access to the Father (Ephesians 2:18). 

This truth is not only a theological concept but a deeply personal invitation. 

Take a moment to consider: How does this understanding of Jesus as the way shape your relationship with Him today?

Responding to the New and Living Way

Understanding Jesus as the way leads us to consider how we should live in response to His sacrifice.

The book of Hebrews offers practical guidance for how we should respond to this incredible gift of grace. 

In Hebrews 10:19-22, we are reminded of the confidence we have to enter God’s presence because of Christ’s sacrifice. Here’s how we are called to respond:

  • Draw near with a sincere heart: In humility and reverence, we approach God knowing we are accepted by Him.
  • Full assurance of faith: Rest in the completeness of Christ’s work, knowing that our salvation is secure.
  • Hold fast to the confession of hope: Let our hope be unwavering, trusting that God is always faithful to His promises.
  • Encourage love and good works: As followers of Christ, we are called to inspire one another toward love and acts of service.
  • Commit to fellowship: Don’t neglect meeting together, as fellowship strengthens and grows our faith.
  • Encourage each other: Especially as we await Christ’s return, we are called to lift one another up in faith.

Ask yourself: How are you drawing near to God today? In what ways are you encouraging those around you in their faith journey?


In this series, we have travelled from the promises of redemption laid out in Isaiah to their glorious fulfilment in Christ. Now, in light of Jesus’ finished work, we are invited to walk in the new and living way. As Ephesians 2:18 reminds us:

‘For through Him, we both have access by one Spirit to the Father’ (NKJV).

This is more than theology—it’s a call to live in the freedom, grace, and intimacy with God that Jesus has provided. As we walk forward, let us continually respond with faith, hope, and love, empowered by His Spirit, and never lose sight of the invitation to live in His promises.”