Today’s devotional is The New and Living Way: Part 2 – Prophecy Realized. In Part 1 of “The New and Living Way,” we explored the foundational prophecies of redemption found in the Old Testament. 

Have you read part 1?

We discussed how the Fall of mankind through Adam initiated God’s divine roadmap for restoration, centred around the figure known as ‘My Servant,’ as foretold by the prophet Isaiah. 

This Servant, particularly depicted in Isaiah 53, is a suffering figure who bears our sins while also bringing liberation and hope to all nations.


Continuing from these profound insights, Part 2 highlights how the prophecies spoken through Isaiah and other prophets were not left unfulfilled. 

In His earthly ministry, Jesus Christ stepped into the very role foretold by these prophets, declaring the fulfilment of these prophecies and opening the way for redemption.

Jesus in the Synagogue

A pivotal moment occurs in Luke 4 when Jesus enters the synagogue and reads from the scroll of Isaiah, declaring:

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor…” (Luke 4:18-19, NASB1995).

After reading, He boldly announces:

“Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:21, NASB1995).

In this powerful declaration, Jesus identifies Himself as the Servant spoken of by Isaiah. By claiming this prophecy, He affirms His mission to bring hope and healing, confirming that the new way is no longer a distant hope; it is realised in Christ. 

Reflect on this: How does knowing that Jesus fulfilled these prophecies influence your understanding of His mission and your own faith journey?

The New Way

Through His ministry, death, and resurrection, Jesus opened the way for all who believe. He not only fulfilled prophecy but also inaugurated the kingdom of God, demonstrating that redemption and life are now accessible through Him. 

The significance of His actions extends beyond mere words; they establish a transformative relationship between humanity and God, inviting us into a new covenant of grace.

Jesus’ teachings, miracles, and acts of compassion illustrate this new way. He engaged with the marginalised, healed the sick, and offered forgiveness to sinners, exemplifying the heart of God’s redemptive plan. 

Consider this: In what ways can you embody the love and compassion of Christ in your daily interactions?

The Cross and Access

This new and living way was fully realised when Jesus declared on the cross, “It is finished” (John 19:30). This profound statement signifies the completion of His redemptive work. 

The veil in the temple was torn in two, symbolising that the separation between God and humanity had been removed. This act opened the door for us to approach God directly, free from the barriers of sin and ritual.

Through Christ’s sacrifice, we are offered a relationship with God that is personal and intimate. Access to God is now available through Christ alone, inviting us into a life transformed by His grace. 

Ask yourself: How can you take advantage of this direct access to God in your prayer life and daily decisions?


As we witness Jesus fulfilling the prophecies and establishing the new way, we begin to grasp the significance of His role in our redemption.

His life and ministry offer us a clear path forward, encouraging us to embrace our identity as children of God. 

In Part 3, we will delve into how we can respond to this incredible gift of grace through our relationship with Him, exploring practical ways to live out our faith in light of His redemptive work. 

What steps will you take this week to deepen your relationship with Christ?