In today’s devotional, we are going to study the title ”Impacting your world with your gifting”. Jesus, in Luke 11:33, stated “No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light.”

Employers worldwide are constantly looking for candidates that can bring value to their organizations. Position yourself well to take your place.

Impacting your world with your gifting

Peter, in 1 Peter 4:10 states “As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” God wants us to use our talents and skills to help others.

Gideon led the children of Israel in liberating themselves from the Midianites. He believed in God and followed His directions.

Nehemiah couldn’t overlook the deplorable state of Judah even though he was well-positioned in the King’s palace. He recognized the area where he could impact many people and executed it to perfection.

Joseph needed to be in the Palace to save God’s people from Famine. He neither ignored nor neglected the Gift in him that eventually moved him from Prison to the Palace. He fulfilled his God-given charge.

Do you want to Impact your world with your Gift? 

1. Never take God out of the equation. The goal is to bring Glory to God.

2. Take interest in activities going on in your surroundings and community.

3. Identify problems in your organizations and social groups and provide solutions.

4. Take the initiative. Don’t always wait to be told what to do by your manager or leader.

5. Manage your life resources (Time and money) prudently.

6. Never Give Up on the exploration of your gift. If there is a will there is a way.

In conclusion, discover your Gifts beyond your current situation, don’t settle for less, keep exploring, and develop your talent no matter the current discomfort it brings, because there is an individual, a group of people and the world at large waiting to benefit from the Gem God, has deposited in you.

You are valuable! The world is waiting for you! God is counting on you!