WBL Ministry
Holiness Devotionals

What’s Right?

What's Right?

Ask yourself, What’s Right? As believers, we are called to live in a way that honors God and reflects His character. Psalm 15:2 reminds us that a blameless life involves both action and integrity—doing what is right and speaking truth from the heart. But what does that look like in our daily lives?

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Live Free

Psalm 15:2 (NIV):
“The one whose walk is blameless, who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from their heart.”

Here are five things we can do each day to live righteously:

1. Prayers

Prayer is essential for staying connected to God. Daniel is a perfect example of someone who lived this out daily. Despite living in exile and facing opposition, Daniel prayed faithfully, three times a day, no matter the consequences (Daniel 6:10). He knew that prayer was his source of strength and direction.

How you can live it: Make prayer a regular part of your day, whether in the morning, at meals, or before bed. Through prayer, we align ourselves with God’s will.

2. Bible Study

God’s Word is our guide. King David constantly sought God’s Word to shape his decisions and actions. In Psalm 119:11, David says, “I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You.” Bible study helps us to know what is right and equips us to live out God’s commands.

How you can live it: Dedicate time each day to study Scripture. Even if it’s a few verses, seek to understand and apply it to your life.

3. Promoting the Gospel

Jesus commanded us to spread the good news. Paul was an example of someone who made this his life’s mission. No matter the opposition, Paul shared the gospel in cities, prisons, and even through his letters (Romans 1:16). He wasn’t ashamed of proclaiming God’s truth wherever he went.

How you can live it: Use social media, conversations, and everyday encounters to share the love of Christ with others. Don’t be afraid to tell people about Jesus or share scripture on your platforms.

4. Spread Kindness

Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit, and Jesus modeled this perfectly. He was always compassionate toward those in need—whether healing the sick or comforting the broken-hearted (Matthew 14:14). Acts of kindness reflect God’s love to the world.

How you can live it: Look for opportunities to show kindness daily—whether it’s helping someone out, offering encouragement, or simply being patient and understanding.

5. Live Without Sin

We’re called to live lives that reflect holiness. Joseph, when tempted by Potiphar’s wife, chose righteousness over sin (Genesis 39:9). Even though it cost him, he stayed true to God’s ways and refused to give in to temptation.

How you can live it: Ask God to help you turn away from sin each day. Like Joseph, choose what honors God, even when it’s difficult.

Prayer Points:

  1. Lord, help me to prioritize prayer and remain connected to You in everything I do.
  2. Father, guide me as I study Your Word, and let it shape my actions and thoughts.
  3. Give me boldness, Lord, to share Your love and truth with those around me, no matter the platform.

By incorporating these practices into our lives, we live in a way that pleases God and reflects His goodness to the world. Following biblical examples, we can grow in righteousness and truth, walking blamelessly before the Lord.


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